Here we share our ideas

NB Construction’s Top Ten Tips for Choosing a Kitchen Backsplash

Backsplashes are more than a kitchen necessity – they’re a fabulous opportunity to add interest and verve to your kitchen! While backsplash trends, like any trends, are always subject to change, the factors to help you choose the right backsplash for you have remained pretty stable. 


Kitchen Remodeling

Whether you want to update your home for yourself or make upgrades before selling, kitchen remodeling can be a major overhaul to your home. What makes a kitchen update so vital? Elsewhere in the house, you can update with furniture and décor. A new kitchen involves more permanent decisions.


24 Resolutions for Design Tips – How to Pick Your Fixtures for Each Space

As clothes make the man, you might say fixtures make the home. Fixtures are the little things that make all the difference: choosing the right design for each fixture can put a delightful twist on any room. Of course, fixtures are more than just jewelry for your home: they are also the things you use and touch on a daily basis. It’s important to find the perfect fixture for every space.


24 Tips for Kitchen and Appliances

The kitchen: it’s where you get your daily sustenance and where your greatest dinner parties and holidays begin. It can also be a source of headaches and stress if the design, layout, and finish touches don’t look and feel right. Fortunately, we have a wealth of insight into what makes a good kitchen become great.



Welcome to the NB Construction home remodeling blog, where we want to share our greatest finds and brightest ideas with you. As a full-service design and build construction company, great style and quality craftsmanship are our passion and our profession. We use this blog to help you keep up with the trends and innovations for home projects and remodeling in our local Los Angeles area and beyond. We hope you’ll share your own renovating adventures with us, too.