Here we share our ideas

Bathrooms | Before & After

Our bathroom renovation services range from makeovers to full reconstructions. The bathroom is a great place to green your home by upgrading to new eco-conscious systems. It’s also very cost effective to replace the surfaces and hardware to update or upgrade your bathroom. 


When is the right time to add a room to your house?

Life never stands still, does it? Living in a house that your family has outgrown, or that doesn’t suit your needs the way it used to. Or perhaps you acquired a house with many of the features you coveted in spite of the fact that it seems to be missing something. Ultimately, there are many reasons to add a room to your house.


24 Resolutions for Design Tips – How to Pick Your Fixtures for Each Space

As clothes make the man, you might say fixtures make the home. Fixtures are the little things that make all the difference: choosing the right design for each fixture can put a delightful twist on any room. Of course, fixtures are more than just jewelry for your home: they are also the things you use and touch on a daily basis. It’s important to find the perfect fixture for every space.


24 Tips to Design Your Interior Space for Christmas

Decorating for the holidays presents wonderful opportunities to break out of the mold and enjoy interior design with seasonal flourishes. Great Christmas décor takes more than just throwing up tinsel and lights, however. This is your chance to learn new crafts, experiment with new design inspirations, and ultimately pull off a darling home with a warm and inviting look that will make the holidays even more memorable.


24 Tips for Kitchen and Appliances

The kitchen: it’s where you get your daily sustenance and where your greatest dinner parties and holidays begin. It can also be a source of headaches and stress if the design, layout, and finish touches don’t look and feel right. Fortunately, we have a wealth of insight into what makes a good kitchen become great.